What are Custom Fields in WordPress?

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### Enhancing Your WordPress Content with Custom Fields

Within the WordPress platform, you have the ability to enrich your content with supplementary details through the use of custom fields. These fields serve as a versatile tool for both theme and plugin developers, as well as for personal use, enabling the storage and utilization of additional data on your site.

Custom fields are a sophisticated feature within WordPress, and they are frequently highlighted in online guides and tutorials. For a comprehensive understanding of their application, our article, WordPress Custom Fields 101: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks, is an invaluable resource.

What Is Custom Fields in WordPress?

### Understanding Metadata in WordPress

Every time you create new content on WordPress, such as a post or a page, the system stores it in two distinct sections. The main section is your content, which you input via the post editor.

Alongside this, WordPress also saves details about your content, like the title, the author, and the timestamp of publication. This set of information is known as metadata.

As a subset of metadata, custom fields empower you to append tailored data to your posts and pages. This data, while not part of the main content, provides additional context or information about it.

### Accessing Custom Fields in WordPress

For those who have recently embarked on their WordPress journey by starting a blog, the custom fields feature might not be immediately visible. Recognizing its advanced nature, the WordPress core team has opted to conceal this feature by default.

However, revealing the custom fields is a straightforward process that can be accomplished with a couple of clicks from the post editing screen. Our tutorial on making custom fields visible in WordPress provides easy-to-follow instructions.

Show Custom Fields

### Implementing Custom Fields in Your WordPress Content

Integrating custom fields into a post or page is a simple process. Begin by editing the desired content and navigating to the custom fields meta box.

Adding Custom Field Name and Value

Here, you’ll assign a name to your custom field and input its corresponding value. To finalize, click the ‘Add Custom Field’ button. Your new field will then be listed within the meta box, as shown:

Saved Custom Field

Modifications to your custom fields can be made at any time, with changes being saved upon updating the post or page. Deletion of custom fields is also an option if necessary.

### The Versatility of Custom Fields

Custom fields offer a flexible method to store simple yet significant details about a post. These fields can be leveraged by developers to introduce new functionalities to WordPress.

Whether it’s capturing the ambiance during content creation or evaluating products, custom fields are adaptable to a myriad of uses. Theme and plugin creators often employ these fields to incorporate novel features into WordPress, such as adding SEO metadata or enriching user profiles with additional details.

Custom fields can also enhance user interaction by allowing the addition of extra information when commenting on posts. Our guide on incorporating custom fields into WordPress comment forms provides a step-by-step approach to this process.

Custom Fields in WordPress Comment Form

We trust this guide has expanded your understanding of WordPress custom fields. For further insights and practical advice on WordPress, consider exploring the Additional Reading section below.

Should you find this guide beneficial, we invite you to join our YouTube channel for video tutorials on WordPress. You can also connect with us on Twitter and Facebook.

### Explore More on WordPress Custom Fields