What is WordPress Permalink

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Understanding WordPress Permalinks

In the realm of WordPress, permalinks stand as the consistent web addresses for each page or blog entry on your site. These URLs, often termed ‘pretty links’, are crucial for both users and search engines to navigate and reference your content. WordPress, by its initial setup, assigns URLs in a query string manner, which typically appears as follows:


Nevertheless, you have the power to transform these URLs into more accessible and readable forms. This is achievable by navigating to the Settings » Permalinks section within your WordPress dashboard. Here’s an illustration of a user-friendly permalink:


WordPress offers a variety of structures for these permalinks, such as ‘Day and name’, ‘Month and name’, ‘Numeric’, ‘Post name’, among others. Choosing a structure other than the default ensures your URLs are optimized for search engines, enhancing your site’s visibility. Ultimately, the choice of format is a matter of personal preference.

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